Heavy Snowfall Wednesday 2/12/25: Remote Learning Day
River Bend Families, After watching the weather forecast shift over the last two days and hearing today from the National Weather Service that their winter advisory has shifted to a winter warning with the expectation of 4 to 8 inches of . . .
PowerSchool Cybersecurity Update
To: River Bend CUSD 2 Families, Staff and Students, Subject: PowerSchool Cybersecurity Update Dear families and educators of the River Bend community, We are writing to inform you of the latest . . .
Superintendent Update letter from River Bend Board of Education
River Bend Families, Dr. Hogue recently announced that he will retire at the end of the 2025-26 school year. The River Bend Board of Education is grateful for his 12 years of service to the River Bend Communities and we wish him . . .
Notice: Power School Data Breach, January 2025
TO: River Bend CUSD 2 Families, Staff and Students, SUBJECT: Power School Data Breach Dear families and . . .
From the desk of Dr. Hogue: Retirement Notifcation
River Bend Board of Education, Staff, and Families, Since 2014 I have been committed and dedicated to the success of River Bend Schools. It has been the best job during my 34 year educational career and I am very grateful to have been . . .
Weather Related Closing Information for 2024-2025
Dear River Bend Families and Staff, As we venture further into January and February, I wanted to provide a quick weather update for our current school year. Canceling school - If snow or blowing snow make the roads dangerous to . . .
River Bend Schools Strategic Plan Update Meeting Oct 15th
Dear River Bend Community, River Bend CUSD #2 is planning to update our strategic plan. A strategic plan provides guidance and sets goals for the Board of Education as they endeavor to . . .
River Bend & Veregy Internship Video
Michele James from Veregy shared this video they created highlighting the internship work completed by 2 of our high school students, Aaron Portz and Jack Mitchell. This is a great example of many people contributing a great . . .
Area Hoax Threat message 09/20/2024
Dear River Bend Families, Students and Staff, Hoax- I received information this morning about a message being shared and posted on social media platforms (Snapchat, . . .
False report at FHS this AM - 9/7/24
River Bend Families, Fulton Police responded to a 911 call at Fulton High School concerning a shooting event. The report was not accurate. The police are investigating the details of the event and clarifying why . . .
What's New River Bend 2024/2025
Dear River Bend Families and Staff Each year I like to provide a quick summary of the new items that River Bend has added since the previous year. In this summary I include building and ground additions, staffing, . . .
Class of 2024: Last Week and Graduation Information
Mobile Readers - Click here!: Class of 2024: Last Week and Graduation Information
Thompson Feasilbility Study Summary
Dear River Bend Families and Staff, At the meeting last night the Feasibility team provided a summary of their findings. The summary PowerPoint can be found at the following link: Feasibility Study PowerPoint . . . .
Thomson Feasibility Study Public Meeting Invitation
Dear River Bend Families and Staff, As many . . .
Delayed start Tuesday January 23rd
Dear River Bend Families, This morning rain is turning to ice as it falls. Road commissioners hope to get salt on the roads this morning. River Bend will begin the day with a two hour delay and start at 10:00 . . .
Roads refreezing River Bend transitioning to remote learning for Tuesday January 23.
Dear River Bend Families, The district has been contacted by the city and county road commissioners and warned that the roads are refreezing after salt has been applied. To keep all safe, River Bend will transition to . . .
Weather planning Wednesday, January 24th.
Dear River Bend Families, I am sharing the latest National Weather Service update. I receive these twice a day and will attend the 4:30 AM webinar to hear directly from the NWS forecasters tomorrow morning. . . .
Moving to remote learning for Monday, Jan. 22nd.
Dear River Bend Families, After traveling on the back country roads this morning, and hearing from the road commissioners in our area with the challenges they are facing, River Bend will transition to a remote day for . . .
Remote day Tuesday January 16th
Dear River Bend Families, Our extremely cold weather tomorrow -35 at 8am and warming to -22 by 2 pm does not make it safe for travel. Our country roads are still a bit messy with snow drifts. River Bend will have a remote . . .
Possible weather related closing Friday January 12th.
Dear River Bend Families, Once again the weather forecasters are warning of heavy snowfall on Friday, January 12th. Snow is supposed to start falling Thursday evening and all day Friday. If the predicted weather/snow . . .
Remote learning day Friday January 12th
Dear River Bend Families, Our current weather pattern continues to disrupt traveling safely to and from school. The National Weather Service is issuing a winter weather warning for early Friday morning through Saturday . . .
School Cancellation: Tuesday, January 9th
Dear River Bend Families Due to the predicted snowstorm and high winds, River Bend Schools will not be in session Tuesday, January 9th. No WACC AND MIT and after school activities are canceled. The makeup day will be Monday, . . .
Weather Update: Returning from Winter Break
River Bend Families, As we get ready to return from our break, mother nature is hoping to keep us out a little longer. Early weather forecasting is calling for 6 to 10 inches of snow late Monday into . . .
What's New River Bend 2023/2024
Dear Families, Students, and Staff, As we get ready to start a new school year I wanted to highlight some of the amazing additions to our River Bend Schools that we will be enjoying this upcoming school year. River Bend . . .
Weather Concerns for 04/04/2023
Dear River Bend Families, I receive National Weather Service updates each time impactful weather comes to Fulton. Tonight through Wednesday's weather could impact our school day tomorrow. At today's NWS . . .
Increased police presence at River Bend Schools
Dear River Bend Families, Students and Staff, River Bend Schools will have an increased police presence at each school building tomorrow through Friday. Our goal is to prevent any similar threats that required Clinton and other Iowa . . .
Clinton High School Incident
Update: 10:03 AM Dear River Bend Families, Students, and Staff, Thank you for your patience as we responded to the Clinton High School threat. Thankfully, the threat did not involve any victims and is being considered a hoax. . . .
E-learning day 2/22/23
Dear River Bend Families, Due to the freezing rain predictions shifting southward between 9 am and 3 pm today, getting kids home safely is a concern. River Bend will have an E-learning day on Wednesday 2/22/23. No WACC, . . .
Weather update: Wednesday, Feb 22 - Thursday, Feb 23
Dear River Bend Families, Because the weather pattern continues to shift when and if we will get any freezing rain tomorrow and Thursday, I wanted to provide an update from last week's cancellation and this week's possible decision . . .
RBMS Career Day Presenters
RBMS holds a Career Day every year, typically once in February and once in April. We put the presenters into 1 of 16 categories based on their career cluster. If you are willing to be a presenter for one of our career days, please fill . . .
River Bend Winter Weather Planning
Dear River Bend Families and Staff, As the weather begins to turn cold and snowy, I wanted to provide a quick update about the decision and impact of the cold and snow. Canceling School: . . .
Community Graduate Profile Feedback
The River Bend School District is working develop a Graduate Profile. A Graduate Profile includes experiences PreK - 12th grade that we believe will produce a productive high school graduate. The district is looking for feedback . . .
River Bend Student Support Update
Dear River Bend Families, I am excited to share news about two opportunities for students and families that the District is starting in the near future. Safe2Help and a partnership with Sinnissippi Centers will . . .
Board Member Election Information
What's New" River Bend and Return to Learn Update
River Bend Families, I am attaching the 2022-2023 "What's New" River Bend and the Updated Return to Learn plan to this email. The What's New document provides a summary of . . .
Legal Notice: Public Hearing on 2022-2023 Budget
LEGAL NOTICE . . . . . . . . . A Public Hearing on the 2022-2023 budget for River Bend Community Unit District No. 2 will be held at 6:30 P.M., Wednesday, September 21, 2022, at Fulton High School, . . .
Attention Steamer Girls: Basketball Camp Info is Here!
Follow the link for more information on our summer girls basketball programs! Girls Basketball Camps
Grand March 2022: Information and Gym Directions
Information for Grand March is in the window below or available here: Grand March Information Grand March starts at 5:15pm and students who wish to participate should enter through the north doors between 4:50pm and 5:10pm. . . .
School Threat 3/15/2022
River Bend Families, 3/15/22 7:45PM River Bend Schools are grateful for the support and cooperation shown today by the Fulton Police Department. They moved swiftly to support our schools . . .
Prom 2022: A Night in Hollywood!
The Junior Class presents Prom 2022: A Night in Hollywood! Please follow the link for more information on Prom: Prom 2022 Infomation Packet
5 Essentials Survey Information
River Bend Families, Students and teachers across Illinois will have an opportunity to participate in the ninth annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is designed to generate a detailed picture of the . . .
Updating new CDC school guidance and vaccination clinic in Fulton 1-13-22 at Crossview Church from 9am-3pm
Covid Update 1/7/2022 IDPH_CDC_Update 1-7-2022 CrossView Pfizer Vax Clinic 1-13-2022
Update letter for today's cancellation and the next two days 1/5/2022
Update letter for today's cancellation and the next two days 1/5/2022
River Bend Covid Update 11/22/21
River Bend Families, I wanted to provide an update prior to the Thanksgiving Break. Many of you know we are experiencing more Covid cases than we have had all year. The letter link and attachment provides an . . .
The River Bend District Office will be Closed today, October 29, 2021.
River Bend Families, Due to a positive case of Covid 19 the River Bend District office will be closed today. Please contact your child's school if you need any help. We anticipate the office being open on . . .
What's New to River Bend 21-22
River Bend Families, The River Bend staff are all enjoying having your children in school. Thank you for the support. We had a very busy summer and I wanted to share some of the new "things" we have . . .
Safe Return Plan Board Approved 8/13/2021
Our starting date is just around the corner and our staff is excited to start working with your children. I am attaching a Safe Return Update letter, our recently approved Safe Return Plan and the Safe Return Plan Summary. The letter is a . . .
Safe Return to Learn Plan
Please see the following links for the most recent Safe Return to Learn Plan information. 21-22 Return to Learn Summary Plan: Board Approved 8/11/21 Safe Return Plan 2021-2022: Board Approved 8/11/21
Safe Return Plan Update 8/6/2021
Dear River Bend Families, I am providing an update based on Gov. Pritzker's announcement yesterday. The executive order by the Gov. truly puts the district at a liability and financial risk if we do not follow the . . .
8/6 Whiteside County Health Department Vaccine Pop-Up!
Follow the link to pre-register : https://events.juvare.com/IL-IDPH/9z8ej/ Registration is not required, but will help ensure that there are enough vaccines and staff for those that attend. . . .
River Bend Fall 2021-22 Safe Return Plan Drafts
River Bend Families, Thank you for your patience and input over the last several weeks as the District gathered information about a safe return plan. I am attaching two documents that outline our plan. One document is a one . . .
End of the Year Update/ Fall Preview
Dear River Bend Families, I wanted to provide a mini-update as we draw closer to the end of our school year. We will be busy planning and keeping up with the changes from ISBE and IDPH and will do our best to communicate updates . . .
Congratulations to Virginia Petersen, Recipient of the 2020-21 Support Staff Leadership Award!
Congratulations to Mrs. Virginia Petersen, River Bend CUSD 2 district office administrative assistant, for being selected as the Illinois Principals Association Northwest Region's recipient of Support Staff Leadership Award! . . .
Congratulations to Linda Rogis, Recipient of the 2020-21 Non-Certified Personnel Leadership Award!
Congratulations to Mrs. Linda Rogis, River Bend CUSD 2 nurse, for being selected as the Illinois Principals Association Northwest Region's recipient of Non-Certified Personnel Leadership Award! . . .
River Bend COVID Update - 3/23/2021
Dear River Bend Families, I wanted to provide an update following the March 9, 2021 IDPH/ISBE school activities revision. The two state agencies came out with new guidance that will impact our current Covid . . .
3/15/2021 Weather Update - all PM activities and practices are cancelled.
River Bend Families, Due to the winter weather, there will be no PM preschool and all students will be dismissed at 1:00 pm today. There will be no afternoon work support or 3:00 PM bus. A decision about . . .
FHS Updated Athletic Fees for 2020-2021 School Year
Please see the attached link in regards to the updated FHS athletic fees for the 2020-2021 school year. https://docs.google.com/ document/d/ 1sVWyjqpRVC9xVDSQf6rcqVnAoWVMN -lMa9TEG7xlsk0/edit?usp= sharing
Monday, March 1st, remote learning at RBMS ONLY due to sub shortage
River Bend Families, Due to the number of staff that are still experiencing side effects from getting the 2nd vaccine, RBMS grades 6-8 will be remote on Monday. FES PK-5 and FHS 9-12 will be in-person. . . .
Staff COVID vaccine dose 2: update to families
River Bend Families, I wanted to provide a quick note about the District's plan to address the number of staff getting their 2nd dose of vaccines next week. The attached letter provides guidance for families. . . .
The 2021-2022 School Calendar has been approved. Check out the link for details!
Click the link to view the 2021-2022 School Calendar
Due to drifting snow River Bend will have a 10-3 day on Tuesday, February 16th
Dear River Bend Families, Due to drifting snow on country roads combined with cold temperatures, River Bend will start at 10 am and end at 3 pm Tuesday February 16th. No WACC and No AM preschool today. Stay . . .
Gear Grinders Silent Auction is Live!
Let the Auction Begin! All items are new, unused, with packaging damage from Walmart Distribution. All proceeds go to the River Bend Educational Foundation and Gear Grinders Robotics Team. Link to Silent Auction Website below. . . .
River Bend will have a Late Start on Friday, February 12th
River Bend Families, The National Weather Service has issued another wind chill and cold weather advisory for -20 to -30 temperatures tomorrow morning. River Bend will start at 10:00 AM and end at 3:00 PM. . . .
River Bend will have a Late Start on Thursday, February 11th
River Bend Families, Due to the wind chill advisory and predicted temperatures between -20 and -25, River Bend will have a delayed start. School will begin at 10:00 AM and end at 3:00 PM. No WACC and no AM . . .
River Bend will have a Remote Learning Day on Friday, February 5th
Dear River Bend Families, Upon advisement of an area road commissioner, who will not be able to start plowing until 5:00 AM and unsure if plows can keep country roads open, Ustick Township lost use of a plow today, and . . .
River Bend will have a Remote Learning Day on Thursday, February 4th
Dear River Bend Families, Once again the weather is playing havoc on our schedule. Tomorrow's forecast has changed and the National Weather Service is predicting freezing rain starting as early as 6:00 AM and . . .
River Bend to have Remote Learning Tuesday, January 26th
Dear River Bend Families, Due to the predicted amounts of snow and blowing snow on Tuesday, River Bend will be conducting school remotely on Tuesday, January 26th. Teachers have worked with students to prepare for . . .
Canceled - The River Bend Board of Education’s special meeting tonight (11/11/2020) has been canceled. Please see below for more details.
The Illinois High School Association (IHSA) Board of Directors held a virtual update session on November 11, 2020, to review recent developments related to the IHSA basketball season ahead of the Board’s regularly scheduled . . .
To the Seniors of 2020
Senior Steamers of 2020, We are so proud of all the hard work you put into this year and we love how you "Steam Rolled" through Covid 19. Please accept our token of appreciation and gratitude. You have been . . .
Committee Meeting Notices
Sept. 9 2019, Sept. 16, 2019 Finance Committee Meeting Notice, District Office, 3:30 p.m. Sept. 16, 2019 Building & Grounds Committee Meeting Notice, District Office, 5:30 p.m.
Contact Board Members & Superintendent
Contact all Members of the Board of Education and the Superintendent We are interested in hearing from you. Please use this form to contact us.
Board Election Process
Board Election Process Consider Serving on the River Bend School District School Board. Board Election Process