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River Bend School District

Board of Education


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River Bend Winter Weather Planning

Dear River Bend Families and Staff, 


As the weather begins to turn cold and snowy, I wanted to provide a quick update about the decision and impact of the cold and snow.


Canceling School:  If snow or blowing snow make the roads dangerous to travel on we will delay the start or cancel school.  I work closely with our area road commissioners and other schools to determine safety of the roads.  When temperatures get to the -20 to -25 with or without windchill it becomes dangerous to be outside for very long, school will be delayed or canceled.  


Canceling, Delaying the start, or Going remote:  This is a difficult decision and many times involves many factors.  During the winter months when cold weather and snow are predicted, we will ask students to bring their Chromebooks home so that remote learning can be an option.  Our hope is to keep the calendar intact so not to disrupt pre planned events or appointments.  


Making up snow days also has many factors to consider:  While in-person learning is best, remote learning has value and can be a useful tool for managing make-up days.  Remote learning on a short term basis allows school calendars to remain intact.  Days off for both students and staff can be valuable during the winter months.  I have also heard that people enjoy snow days and preferred making up school at a later time.  The decision to use a remote learning day may depend on the number of make-up days already used or the length of day being interrupted by cold or snow.  When school is canceled, an announcement will go out as soon as possible identifying if the day will be remote or rescheduled for an in-person day.  


Options for delaying, canceling or remote learning: 

  1. Delay the start or leave early and still get through a school day.

  2. Prepare and have Chromebooks at home for students who can complete school work remotely.  Each building principal and teachers will provide details for remote learning days.  

  3. If a weather situation comes quickly upon us and we are not prepared for a remote learning day we will cancel and make the day up in person or remote.

  4. In person make up days have already been preplanned- MLK day (Jan 16th) will be used if a weather event occurs before January 6, 2023.  President’s Day (Feb. 20th) will be used if a weather event occurs before February 3, 2023.  The Monday after Easter (April 10th) will be used if a weather event occurs after March 24, 2023.  If additional days are needed they will be added to the end of the school year

  5. Remote Day School Schedule:

    1. RBMS:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1a-pO1e4bVtJbsLSLscUYmbpIxHN6RaKYYpsSyfZULbA/edit?usp=sharing

    2. FES/FBP: Remote Learning Days Schedule

    3. FHS:   

      FHS Remote Day Schedule

      1st Block

      2nd Block

      Break and Work Time 

      3rd Block

      4th Block

      8:30 - 9:30

      9:30 - 10:30

      10:30 to 11:00

      11:00 - 12:00

      12:00 - 1:00