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River Bend School District



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The River Bend Educational Foundation would like to start recognizing graduates of Fulton High School that are making an impact in our local, state and national world.  We would like to reach out to those graduates for a picture and short list of accomplishments or quote.

We intend to then display banners around all 3 school buildings about this graduate.  We know we have several graduates who are making an impact in our communities and society.  We want to highlight those graduates so that our students understand the potential that lies in front of them.  We know there are several graduates out there positively impacting the world around them.

Please consider nominating any former Steamer that you feel has positively impacted you personally, our community, state or nation.  There is no "specific" requirement for this recognition.  Again we want our students to understand that they are able to make an impact on others no matter what career they choose.

