Safe Return Plan Update 8/6/2021
Dear River Bend Families,
I am providing an update based on Gov. Pritzker's announcement yesterday.
The executive order by the Gov. truly puts the district at a liability and financial risk if we do not follow the order. I would encourage you to reach out to our local legislatures as well as the Governor and share your concerns. I have shared my displeasure with the mandate that removes local control. I am closely monitoring this issue and if other options exist, I would pursue them.
Gov. Pritzker- https://www2.
Rep. Tony McCombie- mccombie@
Sen. Neil Anderson- SenatorNeilAnderso
In addition to the governor's mandate, I am evaluating our region and seeing an uptick on positive cases for children and young adults. Whiteside County used to have only 1-5 positive cases, now we are at 15-20 per day.. Our local health department and medical consultants are also advising and asking us to slow the spread by wearing our masks. Whiteside County is one of the least vaccinated counties at 43%. We simply do not have the backing of our state government to make masking optional.
The new state quarantining protocols are complex and using masks greatly reduces the need to quarantine if and when we have students that test positive.
Please be patient as we digest and best determine what this mandate fully requires. The Illinois State Board of Education has yet to provide any guidelines. I hope we can find ways and places throughout the day that offer students masking breaks without compromising safety.
I am including an updated draft of our plan for the Board to consider next week. Despite this change, I am truly excited about school starting in a few weeks and us working with children.
Darryl Hogue
Dr. Darryl Hogue, Ed. D. Superintendent River Bend CUSD #2"Helping children do their best"
1110 3rd Street
Fulton, IL 61252
Safe Return Plan Update 8/6/2021
Safe Return to Learn Summary 8/6/2021