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River Bend School District

Board of Education


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From the desk of Dr. Hogue: Retirement Notifcation

River Bend Board of Education, Staff, and Families,

Since 2014 I have been committed and dedicated to the success of River Bend Schools. It has been the best job during my 34 year educational career and I am very grateful to have been selected and supported throughout my time by our Board, administrators, staff and families. River Bend is a special place because Everybody is Somebody, and when I was a nobody, River Bend took me in and helped me grow as a professional.

My family is also grateful for the support and encouragement I have received throughout my time here. They have been patient and endured my commitment to the District, students, staff, and families. They deserve and have earned the right for me to dedicate my future to them. It is with both sadness and joy, that I am planning to retire when my contract runs out in June of 2026. I have worked hard with our Board, admin team, teachers, students, families and our community to make River Bend a great place to work and live. I am proud of our teamwork and know that the River Bend Board cares deeply about the future of the schools and will lead our next steps.

I often end my letters with gratefully. Today as I reflect on the highs, lows and all that is in between those two places, I cannot be more proud of my River Bend home and families. I am truly full of gratitude and joy for all that my journey has brought.

I will continue to work hard serving our communities, students, teachers and families as I help River Bend plan and transition for an amazing future.


Darryl Hogue